Dr. Jimmy Nelson Appaturi received his PhD in Inorganic Synthetic Chemistry (2015), MSc in Chemical Instrumentation (2010) from Universiti Sains Malaysia and BSc (Hons) in Industrial Chemistry (2007) from Universiti Malaysia Sabah. His major research interest is developing mesoporous heterogeneous catalysts, characterize and utilize in the eco-friendly applications such as in fine chemical synthesis, petrochemical, biodiesel and hydrogen energy. Besides that, he also synthesizes fine chemicals over metal-free solid catalysts for CO2 conversion over nanoporous green catalysts. Up to date, he has published 51 international top-tier journals, including Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, Catalysis today, Applied Surface Science, Molecular liquids, Journal of CO2 Utilization, and many more. Currently, he is involved in research activities that are mainly focused on the synthesis of hybrid silica-graphene-metal materials for the multifunction applications such as sensors, electrocatalysts, and nanosafety for toxicology assessment. He has been awarded for outstanding contribution in reviewing the Journal of CO2 Utilization and the recognition of the contributions made to the quality of the journal for the years of 2014 and 2015. He is also an associate member of Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (IKM). Additionally, he has contributed to the society as a higher education counsellor and participated as chief judge in the Science Fair for Young Children.
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